Tuesday 18 September 2018

24 ore comics 2016 e 2018

Fumetti per la 24 ore comics, dato che i link tendono a perdersi nel magma di internet...

Il pozzo della profezia (24 ore comics gennaio 2018)

Perle di pioggia (settembre 2016)



Tuesday 8 May 2018

How do the trees get their leaves back?

How do the trees get their leaves back? // Come tornano le foglie sugli alberi? is a short illustrated tale for preschool children. Available in English and Italian on Amazon (for Kindle readers) and Lulu (for general pdf download). Get your copy now!

Amazon in English: http://amzn.eu/56eNw3A

Amazon in Italian: http://amzn.eu/hNzVN9f

Friday 20 May 2016

Royal Vape labels

If you smoke electronic cigarettes (and live in Saudi Arabia), you can now buy vape liquids with labels illustrated by me:

Monday 4 April 2016

Pencilling page 50 of Let Go

I'm halfway through pencilling Let Go (here is a snippet from page 50), an upcoming graphic novel about life changes in a near future, written by Jon Perry and Ted Kupper. You can find more here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1604028306/let-go-an-indie-sci-fi-graphic-novel

Some other pages!

Sunday 4 October 2015

Let Go Kickstarter successful!

Let Go, a futuristic graphic novel I'm drawing for writers Jon Perry and Ted Kupper (of the Review the Future podcast) was successfully funded on Kickstarter (YAY!) Thank you to all who contributed. Jon, Ted and I will make our best to deliver you the best product possible.

You can read the first 16 pages of Let Go here.