Friday, 16 August 2013

I have seriously, horribly neglected this blog. Whenever a new chapter of The Endling is up, I try to share it on facebook, on tumblr and on deviantArt, but once I do all that tour I'm usually too tired to share it here as well. But I took two days off drawing for Ferragosto, so I thought I could as well update the blog too.

So, the Endling.

The series reached Issue 14 yesterday (always on, and I finished inking Issue 17 a couple of days ago. We are about to reach the core arc of the story - all set during one long night - and I'm quite anxious to see how I will deal with that all (ahah).

Since I reached my family's house in the middle of July, I was able to produce just two aside drawings, one featuring Zatanna

and the second one Harley Queen: