This is the first picture I ink with the new Hunt #108. The brand new brass surface had difficulties in keeping the ink, and it also seemed harder than the previous (now broken ç_ç) nib. At the beginning I had to dip the nib in the ink bottle almost every centimetre. I had almost finished inking when the nib started to be dirty enough to behave as I expected.
Anyway, this is my usual clutter when I try to ink in a clean way - I don't know, but I always get less interesting results when I try to be clean. Moreover, I'm still unsatisfied when I try to place deep blacks.
This drawing, in any case, was intended to show two main characters of my saga, Asanor: the protagonist (on the right) and his love interest, Miriel (on the left). She is the daughter of a typographer, hence their well-equipped bookshelves.
This, instead, is the last drawing I inked with the late #108. It's Hook peeling an apple for Wendy. You could tell I had just re-watched the Peter Pan movie with Jason Isaacs (squee). What you couldn't tell, since I adjusted the level, is that it was inked with a Lefranc & Bourgeois Chinese Ink, bought in Angoulême. It's a truly dreadful ink, if I may say the truth. I heard that people call the Pelikan ink a diluted wash; it only means they haven't tried the Lefranc & Bourgeois, because, meh, this is dirt water with a drop of black, not an ink. The only pro is that it's extremely flowing; but it's way too clear, almost grey, not pitch-black.
Very cool drawings! I love the blaise look on Hook's face.
Since you like the Isaacs Hook, you need to read this book... it had been inspired by that film.
It's a grand 'What if?' charting a brand new course for the story of Peter Pan. And Hook's a little bit the star of it. Click!
And here's another excellent addition to Pan... it's a novel based on Barrie's own idea for more adventure! How cool is that?
Thanks for sharing the art. Hope you like the books!
Thank you so much for the links! i'm glad you enjoyed my sketch.
I just discovered the Hunt 108 for cartooning. To get it work right put it in some lacquer thinner to get the oil off, swish it around then wipe it off. Before you dip into ink put it in your mouth and lick it so you get some spit on it a little bit, sort of suck on it, then dip it in the ink and the ink will stick better to the nib. This nib is amazingly flexible almost like a miniature brush, I love it!
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